Monday, 25 July 2011

New JMTC Article

My new JMTC article has just been publish today - go check it out for a quick and easy way to make lots of gold in WoW :)


Saturday, 23 July 2011

What a crazy day...

Been watching the news - it's crazy what has happened in Norway. Really don't expect something like that to happen in a country like that. It just shows you it only takes one crazy nut job to cause chaos to thousands of people. What a moron I hope he rots in jail, or worse! Also, Amy Winehouse is dead?!?! Can't say I'm particularly surprised. The only thing she's been in the news about is her very public problem with drugs. Still a shame that she's died so young, but when you do heavy drugs like her surely it's only a matter of time until you overdose. Anyway my condolences go out to all the victims of the Norway tragedy and Amy's family.

My life is pretty boring in comparison to all the stuff that's going on. I started my day going swimming and did a swift 1.5k. Then I've just been working on my garden. It's looking pretty nice with all this rain we've had recently, the lawn has definitely benefited. The only problem is just keeping on top of it all, I seem to barely have the time to mow the lawn nowadays!

In Warcraft, I started my day today buying about 500 stacks of elementium and obsidium ore. After a good few hours prospecting and making rings I'm finally starting to disenchant. Should make about 20k once I'm done. I also managed to sell a Black Embersilk Robe for 1k! Pretty nice since I only make it from materials I already had in my bag. I think I'll try making another one, though I don't expect it to sell very well.

That's about it for now, just having a glass of wine with Louise from the vineyard we visited a couple weeks ago.

Friday, 22 July 2011

My First Blog Article

So I'm going to start writing a blog. This is partly to fill up some time, partly because I wanted to do some writing outside of work. This is more a test post, but I'm going to keep it updated with all my dealings in warcraft, any coding bits and pieces I do, plus things that are just going on in my life.

Watch this space.